Flying by the Seat of Our Pants

Recently, we discovered that some of The Mister's family was going to be in Orlando and making a visit to that wonderful/hellish place: Disney.  As I was talking to my Mother in Law (MIL) about it, we decided that it might be fun if The Mister, The Nugget and I came down and surprised The Mister's sister and her family by joining their vacation (Hah!  Hope it was a happy surprise!).  Here are the simple steps that The Mister and I had to take in order to make this last minute vacation possible:

1.  Exchange multiple emails and phone calls with MIL to plan dates, times, etc.
2.  Obsessively check flight options while simultaneously searching for lowest price.  Find lowest price but a)do not realize it and b)do not purchase tickets because you are at work.  Pay twice as much later because you are an idiot with no more time to wait.
3.  Assign dates to ask off to The Mister.
4.  Ask off dates from work.
5.  Attempt to find replacement at work.  Fail.
6.  Work double time prior to departure to try and prevent co-workers from hating you for having to do your work.
7.  Schedule friend for dog sitting.
8.  Realize friend has schedule conflict but has conveniently provided you with a second option.
9.  Contact second option and exchange several emails.  Schedule meet and greet.
10.  Ensure (basically) clean house and fully dressed family for Sunday morning meet and greet with new dog sitter.
11.  Type out instructions and exchange several more emails with two dog sitters.
12.  Ensure cat food and water are completely full.
13.  Ensure an extra bag of dog food is on hand.
14.  Ensure dog snacks are out on counter along with instructions, money and gifts for sitters.
15.  Ensure guest room is (basically) clean as friend who is dog sitting is staying over part of the time.
16.  Ensure there is some food available for friend who is dog sitting.
17.  Pack clothing, toiletries and toys for entire family.
18.  Ensure car is loaded with suit cases, stroller, booster seat.
19.  Schedule wake up time for entire family.
20.  Wake up earlier than entire family in order to be ready first and keep them all moving.
21.  Drive family to airport and, finally, leave on our spur of the moment trip.


1.  Ask off for the time assigned by wife.
2.  Awaken at the time assigned by wife and embark on vacation.

Yep.  Spur of the moment ain't what she used to be.  For me, anyway.


  1. Oh, isn't that just how it always goes, though?
    Have fun on your trip!

  2. After all of that, you certainly need a vacation. Don't forget to carve out some time by yourself napping by a pool and sipping a refreshing beverage. :)

  3. *guilty face* (My wife could have written this.)

  4. It will never cease to amaze me when I think about all that is required to get my family out the door for church, much less a vacation. My husband always acts stressed, but I can't fathom what he is doing.

    Love the list, so perfect!

    Hope you have a fun trip!

  5. It's amazing how much work it takes to coordinate family travel, isn't it? I'm with Marie--take some time for yourself!

  6. Haha! This is just how our vacations usually go too!


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