The Munchkin at 5 Months

Dear Munchkin -

I cannot believe you are five months old already!  Some moms would have written many posts by now about your growth and development, perhaps with coordinated outfits naming how old you are each month.  I'm sorry, kiddo, I'm not one of those moms.  Which isn't to say that I don't love you with all of my wild and passionate heart, but crafty and organized?  And consistent?  Not me.

You, however, I could say so much about.  We have come SO FAR from your early days home when you cried and cried and mommy cried with you.  You are an absolute joy.  You have the most expressive eyes and they light up when you see any of your inner circle.  You are starting, just a little, to have some separation anxiety from us, but overall you are a really outgoing kid who just loves to be smiled at, cooed at or hugged on.

You are a pretty good sleeper, though we've had to do some things that have messed with that lately.  Namely, you are currently wearing your second set of casts to correct your clubbed feet.  This has made you significantly more uncomfortable in the night and you therefore wake up more than you once did, but I am confident you will sleep through the night once the casting process is complete.

You love to eat off of a spoon - currently you have tried cereal, peas, sweet potatoes and apples.  You like them all.  You just passed a phase of spitting bubbles all of the time and the kitchen and everyone's clothing suffered all the more, but you mastered the art of the raspberry!

You want to crawl, oh so bad!  If we put you on your tummy with a toy out in front you work so hard to get there but just don't have those motor skill quite mastered yet.  It's coming.  And I swear you are working on saying, "Hi".  I'm not making it official yet but I know you're trying!

You are the light of all of our lives and we can't believe it's going so fast.  I can't wait to see what you'll be doing the next time I manage to write one of these updates (hopefully not graduating high school).  Your giggles, your smiles, your coos - they make all this hard work one hundred percent worth it!

Yummy cereal!  Mommy will upload a better pic - someday.


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