Sugar and Spice

And everything nice, that's what this little girl is made of.

The Munchkin, 6 lbs and 9 ozs of tongue sticking joy

As it turns out (and let's face, we knew this), due dates means very little. So as we all mourned a longer pregnancy (big sis, birth mama, and mommy and daddy), our new little girl was busy making her own plans.  Last Wednesday evening, as it turns out, we at our last meal together as a family of three.  During that meal, we got THE CALL.

The thing about adopting is that there is the strangest feeling of things taking forever and happening surprisingly fast all at once.  So we just looked at one another, going, "What?  We've been working on our second child for over a year, but now she's coming?"

And was she ever coming!  Birth mama's labor started around 4pm and we had that baby in our arms before 9pm!  There are many, many words to say.  It was beautiful and hard and overwhelming in every possible way.  Most of all, it was a blessing that we cannot even believe we got to be a part of.  I will save most of my words for another day.  Today, I will just share our beautiful new girl with you and stay thank you to everyone who sent good energy, well wishes, prayers and even money to help make this possible.


  1. I'm so happy for you.

  2. I am so very happy for you!! I cannot imagine all that you have been through. This is wonderful. Thanks for your comment on my blog as well. :)

  3. I have a new blog as of today. Just click on Susie. Like you have the time.

  4. Wonderful!! Congratulations to your growing family!

  5. Wonderful!! Congratulations to your growing family!

  6. My heart is bursting for you. So much love, peace, sleep, and joy to you all.


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