I Want It All...or Maybe Just My Fair Share of It

As it turns out, living on less has made me want to...live on even less.  I'm as surprised as anyone about this turn of events.  It's like all of the sudden I finally got it: it really is all just stuff.  I thought I got it before now, but it's clear to me that I am just now fully understanding this concept.

So now I'm trying to find ways to simplify.  We've broached the idea of selling the house to move to a smaller, older, cheaper house.  Of course, the housing market may hold us back from that for a while but I'm still holding out hope.  I'm ready to sell excess stuff and pare down and shift gears.  Most importantly, I'm ready to spend more time with my family.

To that end, I turned in my notice at my job.  I'm quitting.  I'm taking something I'm not known for - a leap of faith.  I may be leaping into mid-air without a parachute, but I'm leaping.  I can't spend the rest of my life wondering what else I might be able to do if I weren't doing what I'm doing now.  I'll be able to stay home for a while and then, well, who knows?  What I do know is this:  I will be there when my kids wake up and when they go to sleep.  I will be there to kiss their boo boos and to play with them and to cook their meals.  I will have more patience for all of these things because I will not have spent my emotional energy on other people before I get home.  I will no longer be squeezing my life in around the edges of work.

It feels good.  I'm hanging onto that.  And if anyone in Indiana is looking for a large, nice house, give me a call!


  1. I'm happy for you! I quit my job a year ago, taking the same leap of faith knowing our income would be cut in half. It has been extremely tight, but like you said, I'm happy I've been able to be there with my little guy. I think it is extremely brave to make that decision. Good for you! :)

  2. Less to clean, right?

    When I quit my full-time job, I never bought clothes. My friend used to say I looked homeless.

    Put "simple living" in your profile, click on it, and you'll see a bazillion other like-minded peeps.

    Glad you're doing well. Why do they say that it's GOOD to be sick?? I was sick too.

  3. I love this. It is just stuff. And not worth the stress, you know?

    Enjoy and good luck@!

  4. How freeing! Congratulations on your new insight and on giving notice at your job. I can't wait to hear how you feel about everything as your changes move forward!

  5. I am soooo excited for you and support your decisions 100%. It's hard to cut back (Lord we know) but you won't regret it. I'm looking forward to catching up.
    PS. You are a great writer. You're one of my favorite blogs. So genuine.

  6. Just found your blog, and look forward to reading more. We are a family that has taken leap after leap after leap of faith. I hope you'll visit my blog.



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