Raise Your Voice

Today people everywhere are working together to try and put pressure on international decision-makers to intervene in the violence taking place in Syria.  People are being murdered.  Children are losing their lives to unspeakable violence.  To read more about the crisis, you can click here to read a Huffington Post article.

You can help.  These problems may seem remote.  They may seem more than you can overcome or take on.  But you CAN help.  Together, we can raise our voices.  We can make it known to our leaders that we care and, by doing so, we can move them to action.  Please consider taking the time to click on the links below and sign petitions to encourage our government and governments everywhere to step forward and save these people, people just like you and I, people whose only mistake was to be born in an unlucky spot on the map.

You can raise your voice.

Save the Children

AVAAZ.org - The World In Action


  1. Cheers to a good cause!

    While we sit in our comfortable homes and the biggest challenge we face all day is what coffee to have with breakfast, it's good not only to be reminded that there are these injustices out there in the world, but to actually do something about it to stop them.

  2. I won't sign the petition. No this one, I'm too afraid it will lead to military action. But, I'm proud of you for taking a stand. We all need to stand up for what we believe in.


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