Stuff I Used to Do

Once in a while I allow myself to lament some of the things I have given up since having kids.  Before children, I was largely self-involved and had absolutely no idea now much free time I spent just wandering the world in a state of starry-eyed giddiness.  I also got really used to this being my state of being as I didn't have my first baby until I was 32 years old.  Now, every free moment counts.  Here, a short list of stuff I used to do.

1.  Get my hair professionally colored.  I cannot tell you how much I loved this.  I wasted money for years on doing it even though I had absolutely no gray hair.  Now?  Lots of gray hair and just me trying to cover it up at home with my friend Loreal #8.  And only if I have a coupon.  The color looks nice, don't get me wrong, but I miss that feeling of being spoiled at the salon.

2.  Wander high end furniture stores.  I could spend hours if not days just wandering through Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware, sitting on sofas and admiring expensive flatware.  With a child this is just not an option.  She does not see the beauty in living in a fantasy world of furnishing and these places aren't exactly organized to be kid-friendly, anyway.

3.  Spend gobs of cash at Nordstrom shoe department.  I love shoes.  Good ones.  But now most of my money goes to my daughter's ever-growing feet.  I have little idea of what cute things are even in style; I buy supportive shoes for work and that's about it.

4.  Visit makeup counters.  Don't get me wrong, I'm actually not that big on makeup.  But I DID used to buy the good stuff, at least sometimes.  Now?  It's all grocery store aisle for me.  Just not the same.

5.  Spend time alone.  Period.  It's no secret to anyone who knows me that Momma loves her some alone time.  I am introvert, hear me roar.  These days I spend approximately 30 minutes a day, driving to and from work, alone.  Just the luxury of having to do nothing other than whatever pops into my mind for a few hours or *gasp* a whole day seems like an unbelievable idea at this point.

So, there you have it, some stuff I used to enjoy doing.  What do you miss from your pre-kids time?  Don't worry, like myself, I will assume that you would never trade any of these frivolities in for the kids and will therefore not be calling CPS to alert them that a mother is about to trade her baby for some decent lip gloss.


  1. Definitely alone time. And simply just to have TIME to do the stuff I need to do. What's so strange about time when you have children is that the days seem to go by so slow yet so darn fast at the same time.

    I'd also love to wear more strapless things in the summer. That's simply not an option when you have 2 young boys. The fascination starts so young. ;)

  2. Oh yes, alone time! Oooh, and spending an entire afternoon curled up with a book! Sigh.

  3. Quiet. Just long stretches of quiet...

  4. This is a fantastic list. I relate to every single item on here. The thing that my husband and I talk about most often is the ability to pick up and just go do something without a massive strategy session, primarily a movie during the day. I miss that luxury oh so much.

    Great list!

  5. I would laugh at the hair coloring thing, but now that I've sprouted more than a few gray hairs, it's only a matter of time before I'm figuring out how the hell to use Just For Men. :(

  6. I am seriously sitting in Starbucks at Keystone at the Crossing right now. I just tried fancy makeup (bought a couple things) and walked through Crate and Barrel. I'm forcing myself to work right now (ha! I'm reading your blog!! not working) and I can hear the TOMs shoes at Nordstroms calling my name...
    Great minds think alike? Now work, seriously...


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