I've been Liebstered!

"The Liebster Blog Award is designed to bring additional recognition to those bloggers with less than 200 followers. If you receive the award, you should link back to the blogger that nominated you and nominate five more blogs. Also, don’t forget to let them know that you nominated them."

I'd like to thank The Academy, my mom, all of my managers and producers and, most importantly, Jennie at Fond of Blond (who, really, is the only one who had anything to do with my getting such an award).

Jennie is an awesome, honest mom to three beautiful boys and one cuddly puppy.  She writes about her triumphs and struggles as a mom, about her thoughts on lots of interesting topics and about her love of writing.  She also posts some really awesome fiction sometimes!  You should definitely check her out.

Now for my five nominees (this is so fun!):

1.  think.stew
Stew never fails to crack. me. up.  He is, in his own words, "a dad, a hubby, a hot fat-guy, an educator and a writer."  He can also wax thoughtful when the mood strikes him.  He is, by all accounts, awesome.

2.  Dances with God
Sharon writes grippingly honest accounts of her life.  She is a pastor and a wife.  She is a survivor of  abuse and a champion for others struggling with this issue.  She is filled with light, love and happiness despite any challenges she has faced and she is an inspiration!  I hope you will love her blog as much as I do!

3. Kate Takes 5
Kate is a SAHM to three beatiful children who are conveniently spaced exactly two years apart.  She has an awesome and addictive listography meme which is always fun and thought-provoking and really helps one get to know lots of other bloggers.  Go check her out - I'll see you in a couple of days when you come up for breath from reading all of the great lists!

4.  The Crying Room
Zoe is an awesome woman who JUST GOT ENGAGED!  She talks honestly about her life which is sometimes fun, sometimes challenging and always interesting.  She is currently planning her wedding, so I am hoping we will see lots of pics posted about the upcoming nuptuals.  When not blogging, she and her fiance can be found weeding the garden or eating quiche.  Go check her out!.  Now.

5. Because My Life is Fascinating
Hilljean is an absolutely adorable woman who writes in a witty, honest and fun way about what her life is like as a momma to two adorable kids, wife to one philosopher husband and student herself.  She shares a lot of beautiful pictures of her life as she is a great photographer!  She shares her struggles with rheumatoid arthritis as well as a lot of graphic photos of her surgeries:)  She's a delight and you are definitely going to want to follow this gal!  Oh, and I LOVE her page design.

It was fun picking nominees for this list (and a little bit hard to narrow it down).  Pretty much everyone I nominated has quite a few more followers than I, so I hope they are honored and don't wonder why little old me would feel the need to nominate them!  It's because we all need more love, y'all!

Now go forth and Liebster!


  1. Congrats on your award! I can' wait to read these blogs:)

  2. Thanks for the tag - I've actually done this one already but appreciate the thought!

  3. I don't know these blogs except Fond of Blond! Will have to check them out!

  4. Hey sista! You are a sweet girl. I mentioned you back, because I can. LOL ♥

  5. you're so sweet Mel! I am honoured and I am going to get drunk tonight to celebrate my award! I am doing mine as we speak! xx

  6. Thanks for the kind words...and for the other cool blog references!

  7. I like this little meme, I did it a while back and it made me think lots. Will have to check out your suggestions.


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