
Today I celebrated my 50 pound weight loss at my surgeon's office.  Fifty pounds.

I'm not going to lie, I feel like it took a long time to get here.  After my lap band surgery in January, the weight seemed to melt off much faster than I had anticipated.  However, a couple of months back my inner child and I got me into some trouble with the band.  My stoma actually closed completely due to a lot of unresolved stomach irritation.  It was not fun.  Because of that, the surgeon opened up my band for a month and I got...hungry.  So I gained a couple of pounds back.  Not much, but enough to do the following: slow me down, open my eyes and get me back on track.

And so it is, 6 months after my surgery, I am celebrating the loss of 50 pounds.  It's pretty monumental for me.  I feel so much more energy than before.  My knees no longer hurt.  My feet don't get shooting pains.  And it's no wonder!  Fifty pounds is a lot to carry around on a daily basis.  Let's contemplate, for a moment, a few things that weigh 50 pounds:

This freaking anvil!

This giant bucket of chlorine.

This ridiculous burger.
This huge bag of potatoes.

And FIFTY of these piles of fat!!
 I feel proud.  Amazed, really.  And for anyone who may want to poo-poo the effort because of the surgery, I assure you - it is HARD work.  The surgery was, for me, the only way I was going to get the work done, but I still have to put it in.  For now, I'm taking the day to congratulate myself.  Tomorrow, I'll be getting back on my horse for, in the words of Robert Frost, I have, "miles to go before I sleep."


  1. Way to go, Mel! I had no idea. Congratulations!

  2. 50 lbs!?!?! WOW!

    ...and in 6 months!?! You are rockin' it! :)

    PS: keep going.


  3. By the way, love your Mary Poppins references on your fave Disney movie...EVER.

  4. New Follower, LBG sent me. Way to go on your 50lbs!!!! You should feel so proud!

  5. New follower here! LBG sent me! Congrats on 50 lbs!!! I'm about to start reading your blog to get caught up! You can check me out at

  6. Congratulations!! I'm proud of you! You should be very proud of yourself too:)

  7. Wow, 50 lbs!!! Congratulations!!! I'm very proud of you.

    Now, I've gotta do it myself! I've started the working out process, and trying to eat better.

    Stress does me in, but the working out seems to help with that. And if I can sleep all night, I'm all the better for that.

    Carry on, friend! You're kicking it!

  8. That is amazing. Seriously. Good for you to find the strength to take care of yourself. I need to follow your example! :)


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